Branches Long Island is a 501c3 nonprofit organization run by volunteers who are determined to make a difference on Long Island.
We dedicate ourselves to provide necessities to those in need, advocate for those who may not have a voice and empower those who need to be uplifted in a time of crisis.
We got you always.
Each week Branches Long Island packs and distributes their blessing boxes filled with Food, Diapers, Formula, Toiletries and much more. With the help of our amazing community and volunteers Branches is currently distributing 250+ Large boxes each week to families in need all over Long Island.
The way that Branches helps and connects members of the community is via their Branches Long Island Community Group on Facebook. There any member can post items up for donation (free) for any other member/group/family in need. We currently have over 11K members and growing everyday! Together we ensure that no one in our communities goes without receiving help.
Our Pantry is located out of our Center in Middle Island NY where we provide families in need with Food via our Blessing boxes and also are able to give Diapers and Formula every 2 weeks to any family in need. We rely on donations from our companies and local communities to make all this possible.
A short request form submission is needed and then a team member will reach out to set up your pick up time appointment. Our form is available in English as well as Spanish
With the need growing everyday and us assisting ANYONE in need, we have rolled out our Emergency bags for those that walk in and are on need of EMERGENCY FOOD to grab. These bags will provide basic food items and instructions on how to submit a request for a blessing box. This is our way of never turning anyone down for food, no matter what!
Branches Long Island makes sure no family or child goes without. Whether it be our Easter event, Back to School event, Frost event, Halloween, Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. Branches are dedicated to making sure that during these times no TWIG of ours experiences the feeling of missing out. The request forms for each event are opened and posted 3 months prior to give time for families to complete it and for our Branches team to plan ahead to assist as many families and TWIGS as we can.

Some of the most caring and kind hearted people run this non profit. They do so much for the community and welcome everyone whether you’re a giver or a requestor. They’ve done great things to change and improve the lives of so many people. Thank you branches for all the work you do!
Andrea Alongis

There is not enough space to write how Really Wonderful & Amazing Branches is.
Branches is a Godsend. I am lucky to have been helped & lucky & grateful to pay it forward & help others. If you can donate even just a little bit you should.
Sam started this in her house, in the shed in her backyard made into a pantry with volunteers helping to organize it! Her dream knew no limits! God Bless Branches and the amazing things they do to help people in need of help. Thank you!
Stacey Travlos

Absolutely one of the best non-profits to deal with on LI. All volunteers are sweet and respectful. They help with food and necessities for those in need as well as being able to walk in for formula or diapers any day and time they’re open! Amazing help for mamas everywhere 💛
Amanda Castillo
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